Vital Info from CAGD To All Teachers Concerning Changes On E-Payslip & TPRS Platform

A release from the Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) sighted by wishes to communicate to all teachers and government workers who receive salary through the Controller that,  effective November 2021, the Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) is expected to introduce changes on both the E-payslip and TPRS platforms.

As part of the changes, members will no longer be required to attach Loan Advance, Authority Notes and Deduction forms when applying for Loans or Contribution adjustments.

Under the new E-payslip platform, members will receive a One Time Passcode (OTP) for every mandate generated.

The mandate numbers and their corresponding OTPs are required for
transactions to be booked on the new TPRS platform.

In view of the upcoming changes, members are entreated to ensure the following:

1. Menbers who are yet to get their “Bio Pictures” uploaded unto the E-Payslip platform should contacts the heads of their management units to update their payslips and make sure they are validated.

2. Members who are yet to update their mobile numbers on the E-Payslip platform should take steps to do so by contacting the heads of their management units.

Please remind all members that their telephone numbers and ‘Bio Pictures “are very critical to the entire process of loan applications, fund membership registration and increments in monthly contributions.

For any further information, members should kindly contact, the Head of their Management Units or the CAGD offices across the regions and districts.



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