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URGENT: SSNIT Sends Vital Information To All Contributors. Check and comply to avoid penalties

We won’t accept contributions from persons without Ghana cards from 2022 - SSNIT warns contributors

The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) says from 2nd of January next year 2022, it wont accept contributions from persons without Ghana Cards.

According to SSNIT, employers who submit contribution reports will be rejected and employers could suffer penalties on such contributions if they are subsequently not paid on time.

As part of the government’s plan to migrate all identification numbers onto the National Identification card, also known as Ghana card, the Social Security and National Insurance Trust on June 28, 2021, began processes to merge all SSNIT numbers to the Ghana card.

So far over one million SSNIT contributors have had their unique scheme numbers merged with the Ghana Card since the start of the exercise.

Director-General of SSNIT, Dr. Ofori Tenkorang, said, although the numbers are encouraging, he urged persons who are yet to pull through to do so soon before the grace period elapses.

“If you do submit the reports without NIA numbers, that report will be rejected. And the payments if not made on time, you know what it means, it attracts penalties and so on and so forth.” he stressed.

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