UEW Set to Display of Level 400 Results on the Online Portal After Mega Demo by Students

Level 400 students of the UEW are being informed that they have been migrated to the Online Student Information System (OSIS) from ITS ERP.

This directive from Management is to resolve all outstanding issues with the display of updated transcripts in their portals. OSIS is the system that has been previously used to graduate students and most recently was used in graduating students for the  2020/2021 academic year.

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To gain access to the student portal on OSIS

  1. You are required to use the following URL i.e. and use your student number as your username and password after which you will be prompted to change the password.
  2. Guidelines on accessing the portal and viewing transcripts of academic records can be found on the university website.
  3. Results will become available in students’ portals starting from 12noon, September 26, 2022.

Note that going forward OSIS will be the point of reference for all Level 400 results. On gaining access to your portal on OSIS, the portals on ITS ERP will be disabled to avoid any confusion with results.

In the event that there are any issues with your transcript, you are required to print out a copy of the results and indicate the issues and present either at the Help Centre Located on the first floor of the Student Centre for onward submission to your department or to your Departmental Examinations Ofoficer for swift verification and rectification.

Where genuine reports of issues are ascertained, Departmental Examination Officers will initiate the request online, and once that is done it will take 24 – 48 hours for it to be updated in the students’ portals.

All stakeholders have been given a 2-week deadline of October 7, 2022, to resolve all outstanding level 400 student results-related issues.

Students are entreated to access their transcripts and are required to do so with utmost urgency.

Once again, all Level 400 students are being reminded that they should resort to dialogue to have any issues resolved. They are also entreated to take advantage of the laid down procedures and directives given for the speedy resolution of their problems.


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