
Teachers of a particular district threatens a strike action – Full Details Here


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Concerned Teachers of Nanumba North District in the Northern Region has issued a statement pertaining their intended strike action over failed TM1 laptops promise.

According to the concerned teachers, an amount of GHC 509.55 was deducted from the account of all teachers nationwide, reason of deduction was to be given a TMI laptop to enhance teaching and learning. And till date some teachers of Nanumba North District are yet to set an eye on their laptops.

The concerned teachers according to the statement said it has given management involved in the distribution an ultimatumn by 30th November, 2023 to bring them their laptops.

Below Is The Full Statement by The Concerned Teachers 



We write to you as concerned teachers in your District, to give formal notice of our
members to engage in strike action.

On 28th November, 2021, an amount of GHC 509.55 was deducted from the account of
all teachers nationwide, reason of deduction was to be given a TMI laptop to enhance teaching and learning. And till date some teachers of Nanumba North District are yet to set an eye on their laptops.

Concern was raised early this year and the District ICT coordinator (Mr. Issahaku)
assured teachers they will receive their laptops in November, 2023. We are in November and nothing is been said about our laptops.

Due to the unwillingness of the KAT Technology to give as our TMI laptop which we deserve, we are hereby given ultimatumn by 30 November, 2023 if nothing good is said about our laptops then we have no choice than to organize a strike immediately.

Although we prefer to work, we deem this action necessary to ensure our rightful owned laptops are given to us. We trust that Ghana Education Service, our teacher unions thus GNAT, NAGRAT and CCT will equally do the needful thing and respond quickly.

We are confident that we can settle these issues soon and put this unfortunate, but
necessary, action behind us.

Teachers of a particular district threatens a strike action
