Teachers Need Interest- Free Loans To build Houses Not Mortgages – NAGRAT Tells Gov’t

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has urged the government to provide teachers with interest-free loans to build houses themselves.

According to the association, though it welcome the planned housing scheme for the teachers by the government but there is more to that. In a Citi News interview, the vice President of the association noted that they will choose an interest free loan package for teachers to build their houses.

He added that their members are scattered all over the country and some have already bought lands and had started building. “All what our members need is a little support in a form of loan with free interest to complete the building”, he insisted.

President Akufo Addo at the 6th Quadrennial National Delegates Conference and the 90th Anniversary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) held in Kumasi said in the next two (2) years, it government intends to build about 10,000 affordable houses for teachers.

“Teachers will have the opportunity to own the facilities either through a mortgages scheme or other preferred means such as rent-to-own.

“In response to what the President said, the NAGRAT vice president, Mr Jacob Anaba explained that mortgage buildings may be at locations where their members may not like but if given the money, they can build at locations of their choice “.

“Through subsidize loan programme, teachers would have the opportunity to own houses in their own desirable locations” he added.



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