Latest : Issuance of Promotion and Upgrading Letters
GES Promotion and Upgrading

Issuance of Promotion and Upgrading Letters
A statement from the Headquarters of the Ghana Education Service (GES) dated 17th November, 2023, sighted by has revealed the latest update on the issuance of promotion and upgrading letters to both teaching and non-teaching staff.
According to the released statement, management of GES has informed all Regional Directors to issue letters to all staff who have been put on scale, both Teaching and Non Teaching promoted staff (lower ranks).
The release added that letters should be issued to all staff who has been upgraded to Principal Superintendent rank.
Per our findings, this issuance of letters only affects staff who were put on scale or upgraded to Principal Superintendent on 3rd June, 2022.
From the statement released “salary arrears will not be paid to staff concerned since they have already been put on scale”.
Below is The Full Statement from the Management
“Management wishes to inform all Regional Directors to issue letters to all staff both
Teaching and Non Teaching promoted (lower ranks) and have been put on scale, likewise teachers who have been upgraded to the Principal Suprintendent rank”.
“The effecive date of the promotion and upgrading is 3rd June, 2022. Please bring it to the notice of staff concerned, that there will be no payment of salary arrears since they have already been put on scale”.
“We are also by this letter, informing you to conduct promotion interview and work
inspection for both teaching and non teaching staff (lower ranks) who were promoted on or before 2018”.
“Please submit the results of the promotion to the Director-General by close of 17th November 2023 and soft copy via [email protected]“.
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