Settle Your Dispute Out of Court- High Court Orders NLC, UTAG

The Labour Court 1 Division of the High Court on 3rd February,  2022 has urged the National Labour Commission to settle its dispute with the University Teachers Association (UTAG) out of court.

Justice Frank Rockson Aboadwe, the Presiding judge gave the parties up to Thursday, February 10, 2022, to report back on the progress of the out-of-court settlement.

The National Labour Commission was in court seeking enforcement to force public universities teachers back to their classrooms after failing to adhere to their earlier directives to call off their strike which is in it forth week.

On February 3, 2022 when the case was called, His Lordship, Rockson Aboadwe summons both parties in a closed-door meeting.

Speaking to the journalists In an interview after the meeting, Lawyer for UTAG, Kwasi Keli-Delataa, revealed that the NLC will be allowed to move its motions if a consensus is not reached by Thursday as stated by the court.



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