Presbyterian University College, Ghana Programmes And Entry Requirements

Presbyterian University College, Ghana Programmes, Faculties And Entry Requirements

Presbyterian University College, Ghana Programmes, Facilties And Entry Requirements.

Below are all the programmes,  facilties and entry requirements of the Presbyterian University College, Ghana.

The total aggregate score for SSSCE/GBCE is 24 or better and that of WASSCE is 36 or better

(Integrated Science will be used to calculate the aggregate score of Applicants who apply for the following programmes: BSc. Mathematics, BSc. Information and Communication Technology, BSc. Environmental and Natural Resources Management,  BSc. Physician Assistant, and BSc. Nursing.

Social Studies will be used to calculate the aggregate score of applicants who apply for BSc. Rural and Community Development, BSc. Business Administration and BSc. Economics). 


Presbyterian University College, Ghana Opens 2022/2023 Admission – Apply Here [Full Details]


RSA III/ABEC/HND Applicants are eligible to apply. 

MATURE APPLICANTS: Except for BSc. Nursing and BSc. Physician Assistant programmes, Mature Applicants for all other programmes must have attained a minimum age of 25 years with relevant work  experience (Candidate must include Birth Certificate) and must pass an entrance examination in English, Mathematics and General Paper/Aptitude Test.

Programmes On Offer And Entry Requirements

1. OKWAHU CAMPUS: (Regular, Weekend and Long Vacation Modular Programmes are Available)

 BSc. Business Administration: WASSCE/SSSCE Applicants should have Three core subjects plus Three elective from any of the existing Elective Groupings 

BSc. Mathematics: Applicants should have Elective Mathematics or grade C4 or better in Core Mathematics.

 BSc. Information & Communication Technology: Applicants should have Elective Mathematics or grade C4 or better in Core Mathematics.

BSc. Agribusiness: Applicants should have Science/Agricultural background from any of the following qualifications:

  • WASSCE/SSSCE holders should have General Science or General Agriculture Background.
  • Ordinary Level: Chemistry/Physics/Biology/Additional Mathematics/Agricultural Science/General Science.
  • Diploma/ HND Holders from an Accredited Agricultural College will be placed in Level 200 or 300 after an interview.

 BSc. Business Economics: Applicants should have elective Economics and Elective Mathematics or grade C4 or better in Core Mathematics.

2. AKUAPEM CAMPUS: (Regular, Weekend and Long Vacation Modular Programmes are Available)  

B.A. Rural & Community Development: WASSCE/SSSCE Applicants should have Three core subjects plus Three elective from any of the existing Elective Groupings

BSc. Environmental and Natural Resources Management

The Programme is open to:

  • WASSCE/SSSCE holders with General Science/General Agriculture/General Arts background.
  • Diploma/HND Certificate Holders in Forestry and Environmental Health and other related areas will be placed at Level 200 or 300 after an interview.


BSc. Nursing. (Regular and Weekend Modules Available) 

  • Applicants with the following background with aggregate 36 in WASSCE or 24 in SSSCE are eligible for admission into the BSc. Nursing Programme: General Arts, General Agriculture with Chemistry, Home Economics with Food and Nutrition. ( Interested Applicants should have grade C6 or better in English Language, Core Mathematics and Integrated Science)
  • SRN/RGN Applicants will be placed at Level 200 of the programme after an interview as mature students.

BSc. Physician Assistantship – Applicants who hold the following qualifications are eligible for admission:

  • WASSCE/SSSCE Applicants should possess three Elective Science Subjects plus three Core Subjects, aggregate 36 or 24 or better.
  • GCE O/L Certificate Holders should possess Science or General Science or Additional General Science plus Two A/L Science Subjects.
  • Candidates with Advanced Diploma in Community Medicine/Diploma Medical Assistant Certificates plus WASSCE/SSSCE or GCE O/L Certificates will be admitted to level 300 of the programme after an interview as mature students.
  • Candidates with SRN or RGN Certificates PLUS relevant WASSCE/SSSCE or GCE O/L subjects will be admitted to level 200 after an interview.
  • Candidates who hold BSc. Human Biology and its equivalent will be admitted to Level 300.
  • Candidates who hold BSc. Biochemistry/ BSc. Biology and other related certificates will be admitted to level 200.


4. TEMA CAMPUS: (Weekend Module Only)

Programmes available are – BSc. Business Administration and BSc. Business Economics.

 KUMASI CAMPUS: (Regular and Weekend Module Available)

Programmes available are

  • BSc. Business Administration
  • Agribusiness
  • BSc. Mathematics
  • BSc. Actuarial Science

Preliminary Programme

This programme is designed for Candidates with weak passes in the SSSCE/WASSCE who have not obtained the minimum entry requirements for admission into universities in Ghana or other tertiary institutions.

Candidates will be offered 12 months of tuition to enable them re-write the WASSCE. Candidates who obtain the minimum entry requirements after the resit would be admitted into any degree programme of their choice.


The University College also offers several Professional courses (ACCA, CIB, CIMA, ICAG), Diploma and Certificate Courses.





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