Presbyterian University College, Ghana Opens 2022/2023 Admission – Apply Here [Full Details]

Presbyterian University College, Ghana Opens 2022/2023 Admission

Presbyterian University College, Ghana Opens 2022/2023 Admission. How To Apply

The management of the Presbyterian University College, Ghana has opened its admission portal for all qualified applicants into the various programmes for the 2022/2023 academic year.

Applications are open for admission of prospective students into various Diploma, HND and undergraduate programmes for the 2022/2023 academic year

HND/Diploma Form

  1. Application forms can be purchased from any campus of the University for GH¢ 50.00 for Ghanaian Applicants. Alternatively, Applicants can download a PDF version of the form here. Applicants who download the PDF version are expected to add a Bank Draft (Payable to Presbyterian University College, Ghana) of GH¢ 50.00 to the forms.

Undergraduate Form

  1. Application forms can be purchased from any campus of the University for GH¢ 100.00 for Ghanaian Applicants and $100.00 for Non-Ghanaian Applicants. Alternatively, Applicants can download a PDF version of the form here. Applicants who download the PDF version are expected to add a Bank Draft (Payable to Presbyterian University College, Ghana) of GH¢ 100.00 to the forms.
  2. Click here to access the Guidelines for completing the offline form.


Graduate School Form

  1. Application forms can be obtained from any campus of the University for GH¢ 120.00. Alternatively, Applicants can download a PDF version of the form here. Applicants who download the PDF version are expected to add a Bank Draft (Payable to Presbyterian University College, Ghana) of GH¢ 120.00 to the forms.
  2. Click here to access the Guidelines for completing the offline form.

The completed application form together with results slips/certificates and supporting documents should be submitted to The Registrar, Presbyterian University College, Ghana.


Presbyterian University College, Ghana Programmes And Entry Requirements



Ghanaian and Non Ghanaian Applicants can apply by following the steps below:

Purchase an eVoucher from any branch of these banks (Agricultural Development Bank, Ecobank, Republic Bank, Universal Merchant Bank, Prudential Bank, CBG, GCB and Fidelity Bank). The cost of an eVoucher is GHS 100.00 for Ghanaian applicants and $100.00 for Non-Ghanaian applicants.

Applicants can also purchase the eVoucher using VISA and MTN Mobile Money. To use the VISA or MTN Mobile Money platform,

  1. Click here
  2. Provide your Name, Email Address and a valid Telephone Number (include international prefix and number should be a registered MTN mobile money subscriber)
  3. Click Submit
  4. Wait for PIN and Serial Number to be sent to the Telephone Number as SMS or the Email Address you provided.


  1. Click here for Graduate Online Application Portal
  2. Click here for Undergraduate Online Application Portal
  3. Click here for Diploma Application Portal
  4. Enter the PIN and Serial Number on the eVoucher you purchased.
  5. Complete the form
  6. Add all supporting documents
  7. Submit the form


  1. Applicants do not need to complete the form at one sitting; you can return to your partially completed application form by logging in to the system using the PIN and Serial Number on your eVoucher.
  2. Applicants are advised to check thoroughly all details entered before finally submitting their online forms.
  3. Applicants should scan and upload their passport size photographs and results slips. Matured applicants must include their birth or baptismal certificates. The certificate should not be less than 3 years old.
  4. Application will not be considered until all required documents have been received.



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