
Official: GES reveals the real facts concerning the procurement, supply and the payment of One-Teacher- One- Laptop Project

A release by the Ghana Education Service (GES), sighted by wishes to communicate to all staffs of the service and the entire general public on the concrete fact concerning the procurement and the supply of “one-teacher-one – laptop” project for teachers.


This follows massive brouhaha that has popped up just few days after the lunching of the “one- teacher- per- laptop” project.

Some teachers belonging to the various teacher unions in the country have raised concerns about the government’s initiative to roll out the one-teacher-one-laptop project after the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) released a communiqué on the whole arrangement and the terms of payment.



Leave the teaching Service if you don’t want the Teachers Laptop – CCTGH Prez replies aggrieved teachers


According to the release by the Ghana Education Service (GES);

1.The supply of Teacher Mate 1(TMI) laptops for teachers was an initiative of the
Teacher Unions (GNAT, NAGRAT.cCT) to procure for all teachers at the pre-tertiary
level to enhance the delivery of quality education in terms of planning. research.
teaching and reporting.

2. The government through the MOE/GES decided to support this initiative with a
subsidy of 70 percent for each teacher hence the launch of the project by His Excellency the Vice President Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia on Friday 3d September 2021.


3. In effect, the beneficiary teacher wil pay the remaining 30 percent of the total

4. The total cost of the TMI laptop per one is GHs1,831.47. The government has
absorbed GHs1,282.30 while the teacher will pay GHs 549.44.

5.The teacher portion  will be deducted from the continuous Professional Development Allowance (CPD) when paid.This wouid be a one-off deduction.


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6. Distribution of the TMI laptops has commenced and all teachers at St Mary’s Girls SHS have received theirs.

7. The TMI laptop is of high quality and customized to suit the needs of the Ghanaian Teacher at the pre-tertiary level. It is durable and has a long batfery life.

In addifion, the TMl has a built-in educational content (EDUKAT) on the new
standard based curriculum. The TMI has an offline feature to suit teachers with internet challenges.


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