NTC to begin portfolio assessment from 4th October. Check out timetable and all 21 items needed to be submitted by all newly trained teachers.

The National Teacher Council (NTC) is set to begin its first ever Portfolio Assessment from 4th of October 2021. This assessment will come to an end on 14th December 2021.

NQTs are therefore requested to as much as possible to submit the artefacts listed as items 1- 21 to the portfolio assessors for assessment during their visits to the Newly Qualified Teachers.

This is the only means to indicate that the NQTs spent the induction period in classroom and so are eligible to be recommended for license to practice as a professional teacher with one-year professional experience.

According to NTC, the portfolio assessment is an evaluation system to assess the work of qualified teachers as the primary requirements for the renewal of teachers licence.

Teaching portfolio provides evidence of teachers’ work and goal accomplishments. The portfolio describes the beliefs of the teacher and how such beliefs influence the way the teacher practice. The artefacts provided in the portfolio provide undoubtable fact the teacher is the architect of what s/he claims.

The portfolio helps to justify the good work of the teacher in contributing to promotion of high standards of teaching and learning. The portfolio also provides opportunity for sharing of best practices.


NTC reschedules date for its portfolio assessment, another orientation to be organised for newly trained teachers


1. School information/particulars of NQTs including GTLE number.

2. Evidence of attendance to work confirmed through a letter by the head (Content should indicate the period of attendance in minutes)

3. Teaching Philosophy (Goal, its relationship with your teaching techniques and assessment practices)

4. A video/ an audio tape of your best lesson or still photographs of your teaching

5. Scheme of work/Scheme of Learning

6.15 samples of Lesson plans (learning plan) used.

7. Samples of student work you have graded, showing your comments etc. or sample of activities you have evaluated showing your comments.

8. Reflective practice/Reflective logs /Reflections on your practice.

9. Assessment instruments (test items/quizzes) created by you, with their marking schemes, and an explanation of how effective (or ineffective) the assessment was used or data collection
instruments developed by you with sample data collected and analyze and reports generated from the analysis.

10. Work/task sheets drawn for students/clients

11. Mentor’s report/comments on NQTs behavior, attendance and attitude towards work

12. A brief report indicating not less than five (5) co-curricular activities engaged in be NQT

13. Report on Core Competences which focuses on:


Public Universities should admit students with grade D7 – Education minister explained

>How learners were supported to develop new competences

>How learners were supported to use already possessed competences

Difficulties teachers had in helping learners to either develop or use particular core competence(s).

14. Headteacher’s recommendation

15. List and description of learning/teaching aids (resources) that cannot be put into the portfolio.

16. A report on career development for the NQT (Head or Mentor should provide based on assessment of NQTs experiences).

17. Evidence of participating in school-based activities including formal meetings attended.

18. Three minutes written by NQTs which provide evidence of meetings with the mentor.

19. A report written by NQT showing evidence of meeting with the Head of school.


Download All GES Sample Letters HERE

*GES Upgrade letter sample
*GES Promotion letter sample
*GES Assurance letter sample
*GES Change of management unit
*GES Resignation letter sample
*GES Confirmation letter sample
*GES Transfer letter sample
*GES Further studies letter sample
*GES Restoration of salary letter
*GES Salary adjustment letter
*Maternity leave letter sample
*Personal Record Form
*NTC Cover letter
*NTC Registered number

*Kindly Share to reach all*

20. Evidence of In-Service Trainings attended

Type of in-service attended (SBI, CBI, DBI COP, etc.) Training Logbook Certificate awarded

21. Summary of Action Research conducted as part of the reflective Practice.

Can this portfolio assessment hinders the recruitment newly trained teachers this year?

Sources gathered by suggest that the portfolio assessment cannot hinder the recruitment of newly trained teachers. This is because portfolio does not form part of the GES requirements for postings of teachers.


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