NTC sets date to open portal for portfolio assessment and INSET point processing – A must read by all teachers

The management of the National Teaching Council (NTC) is hereby expecting all teachers in the service to complete their portfolio for the annual review for the 2021/2022 academic year by the close of Thursday 1st December, 2022.

Pertaining to that, all pre-tertiary teachers (both in classroom and Administration) are to log on to their teacher portal to complete their portfolio by providing evidence of the following:

1. Scheme of learning

* Alignment of core competencies

* Alignment of indicators to the curricular indicators

2. Teaching Philosophy

3. Evidence of work

* summarized weekly monitoring tool for 3 years

* sample learners exercises you have marked and graded.

4. Lesson Plans ( 15 lessons per term)

5. Reflective Practice

6. Problem identification strategies and intervention Process (Action research)

7. Evidence of professional development

* Write up on collaborations

* Records of training attended

* Use of technology

* Recommendations for training

– A report on core competences

8. Evidence of participation in school based activities.

* Minutes of Formal Meeting attended

* Evidence of in-service Training workshops CPD

* Report on core competencies from the mentor

* Mentor Comments

*  Head Teachers recommendations.

9. Participating in Co-curricular activities


The management will make the portal active from 30th November, 2022 to 5th January, 2023 for processing of INSET points.

Hence, all Teachers are encouraged to take advantage of this exercise by building their portfolios for Free CPD Points.

Requirements for CPD points processing

1.Attendance list

2. Subject/Topic for the IN-SET

3. Recordings in the Teacher log book

4. Minutes of INSET/PLC

5. Pictures

Basic School INSET /PLC

1. All basic head facilitators who intend to organize a School-Based INSET/PLC must inform the Municipal Education Directorate through the SISO with details of the schedule for supervision.


2. Subject/Departmental Based INSET must be supervised and endorsed by the Headmaster for onward submission and processing.

Reliable: All GES Sample Letters- Download


Reliabe: Download GES/NaCCA resource packs and teachers’ guide for the new curriculum

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