NTC/MoE E-Learning || All You Need To Know, Registration Process, Courses, Free CPD Points

The National Teaching Council (NTC), in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MOE), has authorized a 4-CPD point Digital Literacy Program under GALOP, which will be offered free of charge to teachers across the country.

Pertaining to this new development,  the National Teaching Council has launched and e-learning platform which contains relevant courses that teachers can easily get access to them. The courses are expected to be completed and scored at the end of for Points.

The Courses 

1. IT Skills

2. Leadership Skills

3. Miscellaneous


Who Receives This Points ?

As long as you log in using the email used to register on the NTC teacher portal for the issue of the license, the eLearning dashboard has the details of every teacher. It’s vital to remember that data obtained during the teacher license portal registration is also available on the eLearning portal.

How To Register or Login To The NTC E-learning Portal  

a. The NTC has automatically sent messages to all staff who have their credentials in their database. The messages contains a link that enables such person to get  access to his E-learning dashboard.

Click on the link below to visit the portal

The message again indicates the persons Username and Password to make things easier.

The system will automatically ask you to change your password after logging in. After a successful login, kindly update your profile.

How To Create An Account If You Did Not Receive A Message 


1.Click on the link below httpss://

2. Provide the needed data and click on “Create New Account.”

3. A message will be sent to your mail, check your mail  to confirm and approve the creation of the account.

4. Update your details and enrol yourself in any of the three courses you are interested in.



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