NEWS IN || NAGRAT to strike over “unacceptable” actions by government and CAGD

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has served a notice to strike if the government does not restore names of teachers whose names were deleted from the payroll.

According to NAGRAT, the reasons for this deletions were flimsy for which they should be restored immediately.

The NAGRAT president, Mr Angel Carbonou told journalist that some teachers have gone four months and beyond without salaries.

“The reason for some of these deletion are flimsy and the precure of going through prescription of the code of conduct is usually violated. We have teachers who have done without salaries for three months, six months and we even have a case from secondary technical who has gone without salaries for the past fifteen months,” he said.

“The leadership of the NAGRAT calls for the immediate restoration of the names,” he said.

Teachers names deleted from the payroll meant that they were not worth any pay although they were working.

Close to fourteen thousand teachers have had their names deleted from the payroll by the orders of the GES, though evidence had shown that these affected teachers were at post working.

This unfortunate and unacceptable incident has come about as a result of the data sent to the Controller and Accountants General’s Department by the Audit service with the explanation that the affected teachers were not at post and are deemed as “ghost” teachers.



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