
NEWS IN: CETAG Suspends The Indefinite Stike Action Across All Forty-six (46) Public Colleges of Education

A release from the office of Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG), sighted by Honestynewsgh wishes to inform the general public that it has suspended the indefinite  stike action across all forty-six (46) Ghanaian public colleges of education following an emergency meeting held on January 17, 2022, the National Council of  CETAG.

Read The Full Statement Released Below


At an emergency meeting held on January 17, 2022, the National Council of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) agreed unanimously to suspend the indefinite  stike action across all forty-six (46) Ghanaian public colleges of education on confimation through validation of January salaries the implementation and payment of the 2017-2020 Conditions of Service (CoS). Following the validation of January salaries over the weekend, the Council has followed through with the following:

1. Teaching is restored in all the 46 publie colleges of education effective Tuesday, 25th
January, 2022, as the validation of January 2022 salaries has confirmed the implementation, but with disparate payment of arrears of the 2017-2020 (Cos).


2. Notably, there have been widely observed disproportionate anomalies in the payment of the arrears as seen in the validation process across all the 46 public colleges of
education. Unequivocally, the leadership of CETAG would like to express its utmost
displeasure and grave concern about the manner in which the payment of the 2017- 2020 CoS arrears has been implemented.

3. CETAG expects that the needed steps will be taken by stakeholders to remedy the situation by paying fully all unpaid arrears in February 2022 by the Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD).

4. Further, we do as a matter or ugnency, expect he Fair wages and Salary Commission (FWSC) to take steps to re-engage the leadership of CETAG to conclude the negotiations of the 2021 (Cos) before the end of February, 2022.

5. The National Council would like to take this opportunity to express its gratitude to all
CETAG members for their solidarity and collegial spirit throughout the period.




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