NEWS IN || All teachers occupying government or school bungalows to pay 10% of their salary as rent. Check details

The Ghana Education Service has reminded all teachers and non-teaching staff who are occupying a school or a government bungalow that they are by law required to pay 10% of their basic salaries as rent.

This directive was contain in a letter signed by the Western Region Director of Education, Mrs. Agyeibea Okai.

Mrs. Okay has instructed that teachers and staff of the Ghana Education Service (GES) living in government or school bungalows must pay for accommodation.

“In line with the effort to streamline the anomalies with regards to the payment of rent for occupying school/government bungalow, I wish to draw your attention to Ministry of Finance circular No. 133385/05/06NTR CAGD of 15th May 2006 requires that occupants of government bungalows are expected to pay 10% of their basic salary as rent”, the statement said.

Mrs. Okai has directed the various district and municipal directors in her region to effect the collection of the rent from all GES staff occupying government or school facilities from the 1st of March 2022.

“I therefore write to inform you that with effect from 1 March 2022, all Tenchers Staff
occupying School /Government bungalow are to puy 10% of their basic salary”, the release added.

The statement noted that all arrears owed by occupants should be collected to avoid audit anomalies.

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