NEWS IN: 2022 budget statement to be delivered on November 17

The Minister in charge of finance, Hon. Ken Ofori Attah is expected to appear before parliament coming November 17, 2021 to present the 2022 budget to the hearing of the house and the nation at large.

The majority leader in parliament, Hon. Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu announced this upcoming sitting and hence described it as  budget meeting. He emphasised that parliament will go on break on exactly one month after the presentation to enjoy the Christmas and New Year break.

“Mr. Speaker, this meeting, is a budget meeting. The budget is going to be introduced on November 17, 2021, and exactly one month after the introduction of the budget, Parliament will proceed on recess December 17, 2021. What it means is that we have very little time at our disposal”, he stated.

The Expectation

More light would be thrown at many threatening issues though but the mega one that will sound great in the ears of all newly trained teachers will has to do with the financial clearance for GES recruitment.

Financial clearance for 2021 GES recruitment has delayed and this has caused a dissaray in the hearts of all newly trained teachers.


News In: Declaration of Vacancies Towards GES 2021 postings of Trained Teachers and Staffs Returning From Study Leave With Pay

Upon thorough deliberation with the Deputy Minister of Finance, Hon. Abena Asare Osei,  who is in charge of all financial clearance for employment, she stated that the Ministry of Education has presented that 40,093 people will be recruited into GES which is more than the previous year’s figures.

The Ministry of Finance, has assured Newly Qualifned Teachers (NQTs) from the various teacher training institutions in the country that financial clearance for their recruitment into the Ghana Education Service (GES) will be given in November this year.


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