NCOPST begins mobilization exercise to assist qualified private school teachers into the public schools. A must read

Honestynewgh in an interview with Mr James Ackon, the director of the National Council of Private School Teachers (NCOPST) on 5th of September, 2021 has confirmed that the council has started mobilizing qualified private school teachers across the country.

According to the Director, the purpose of this exercise is to assist qualified private school teachers in the country as to what to do in order to get recruited into the public sector.

The mobilization of the aforementioned teachers is being done with the support of NCOPST to ensure that applicants meet all the needed basic requirements for the upcoming GES postings.

Again, Mr Ackon James revealed that the council is in partnership with the National Teaching Council (NTC) and with that, all private school teachers who have their diploma, degree or masters in education can be assisted by NCOPST to acquire the teacher license and also offer them abetment in building their teacher portfolio.


Below are the requirements all applicant must have.

1. An applicant must have a Diploma or degree or master in an education-related certificate.

2. Must have a Teacher License

3. Must have completed the one year mandatory  National Service and obtained the relevant Certificate.

Qualified Teachers are to submit a photocopy of the requirements in person to the office of NCOPST at St John’s Preparatory School, Achimota – Accra

Private school teachers seeking further inquiries can reach the council via 0540560643.



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