Ministry of Finance Releases Funds For The Payment of Teachers Professional Allowance This Year. Check out date for payment and other details concerning the laptop deduction

Teachers professional development allowance for this year will be paid to both teaching and non teaching staff of GES by the end of November.

The Ministry of Finance has released funds meant to pay the professional development allowance for the year 2021. The money will reflect on the validation voucher for the month of November 2021. This means that, the money will be paid at the end of November 2021 added to the November salary.

Teachers in the Senior High Schools will be deducted five hundred and fifty Ghana cedis (GHS550) from the professional development allowance as a thirty percent cost for the Teacher’s laptop project.

Management of Ghana Education Service has sent an excel template to the Heads of second cycle schools to delete the names of teachers who are not interested in the Teacher’s Mate1 laptop to avoid any deductions.

Teachers who will delete their names from the teacher’s laptop project will receive the full amount of the professional development allowance.


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The payment of professional development allowance to teachers has come to stay after a successful negotiations between the Government and the Teacher Unions in 2019.

This according to the agreement will help  teachers to enable them upgrade themselves professionally and academically.

One hundred Ghana cedis (Ghc100) per month as allowance for professional teachers and eighty Ghana cedis (Ghc 80.00) for non professional teachers was agreed to be paid annually that is one thousand two hundred Ghana cedis per annum (Ghc 1,200.00)  and nine hundred and sixty Ghana cedis (Ghc 960.00) respectively.


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The first ever payment of the professional development allowance was done in November 2020.

Teachers are expected to develop themselves professionally by attending in-service training, and short courses organized by accredited institutions. The National Teaching Council (NTC) which is responsible for licensing teachers in the country developed a Continuous Teacher Professional Development Plan which specified a list of courses teachers should take in order to be able to renew their license.


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