|| Legon || Shut down the school if teaching is no where in sight – NUGS to UG – UTAG chapter

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) has expressed disappointment in the decision by the University of Ghana branch of the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) not to go to the classroom.

NUGS is demanding the immediate shutdown of the University of Ghana, Legon (UG), if the school’s lecturers are not ready to return to the lecture halls.

NUGS in a tweet said “The resolution of the UG-UTAG not to comply with the Business and Executive Committee’s schedule for teaching and learning is rather unfortunate. Students cannot continue to bear the brunt of this strike action. If the teaching is no where in sight, shut down the school.”

Following an emergency meeting on Sunday, February 27, UG’s branch of the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) resolved not to return to the lecture halls.

A letter to the Registrar of UG signed by UG-UTAG Secretary, Professor Ransford Yaw Gyampo, said the lecturers would await the conclusion of negotiations between UTAG and government by the Friday, March 4 deadline before resuming teaching.

But NUGS described this resolution by UG-UTAG as “rather unfortunate”.

The decision according to the UG UTAG directing it members not to return to the classroom is because the chapter and other chapters which form the majority voted to reject the NEC decision to suspend the strike action which commenced on January 10.

For this reason, the UG chapter is of the view that the strike action may resume soon and for that matter would not like to inconvenience students by starting lectures and going back on strike.

They also have indicated they would want to see the outcome of the ongoing engagement with government which is expected to end on March 4 before they return to the classroom.


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