‘It’s harsh to defer 6000 students’, MoE must intervene – Former Dep. Edu Minister Appealed

The representative in parliament for the people of North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has called on the Ministry of  Education to intervene in the draconian decision by the management of KNUST on some students over their inability to pay their fees on time.

The Member of Parliament has described the decision by the management of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) to defer 6,000 students for delay in payment of fees as harsh.

The Former Deputy Minster of Education in charge of Tertiary has therefore appealed to the Ministry of Education to urgently intervene and save the future of these students.

However, the management has also justified its decision saying some students use their fees to engage in gambling and other stuff.

Some affected students who were interviewed by Honestynewgh revealed that they have invested their fees so the management should give them more time to pay their fees in full.


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