GES To Release Stable Academic Calendar For The Next 2-3 Years Soon- Director General Assures All Parents & Stakeholders

Parents and other stakeholders have expressed concern about the uncertainty of the academic calendar for the pre-tertiary schools in recent times.

They argued that currently, schools are unable to tell students, parents and the general public when the academic year will be commencing for basic and second cycle schools.

Prof Opoku-Amankwa in his respond to their concern explained that, “to ensure that we get it right this time around, and avoid some of the inconveniences that occurred during the 2021 academic year in relation to the calendar structure, a Ministerial Committee on Schools Calendar was formed by the  Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum to ensure proper planning to come out with a reliable structure.

Report from the Committee reveals that, the work assigned to them is almost done.


According to the Professor,  the calendar that we are drawing also looks beyond 2022 to 2023 and 2024 to see how we can gradually come back to the school calendar year, which ends in June/July and starts in September/October.

He said all those together would take a little longer time to make sure that everything  works out as expected.

“The delay was for a good reason, hence we want to assure all stakeholders that the calendar for the 2022 academic year would soon be announced”, he added.


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