GES cautions directors of education and heads over inclusion of ghost names- One teacher per laptop

The attention of the Management of Ghana Education Service has been drawn to the fact that some Metro/Municipal/District Directors of Education in submitting the name of teachers for the laptops have added names of persons who do not quality, including non-teaching staffs and retired or separated staffs.

The indications are that in some instances some strange names have been added with fake staff lDs.

District Directors of Education are requested to ask Headteachers to be responsible for the names being submitted.

District Directors of Education and Headteachers are reminded that such conduct constitute FRAUD and must desist from that.

All District Directors of Education are therefore requested to validate the list which have been sent and submit an updated list by close of work on Tuesday, 31s August, 2021.

District Directors and Heads are to  note that after that date the Directors of Education will be responsible for any such false data submitted.



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