Do Not Pay Money to Any GES Officials For Confirmation- GES Warns Newly Posted Teachers

A lot of complains have been received by the GES concerning some greedy acts of some officials who demand money from newly posted teachers before they are confirmed.

In view of that the Ghana Education Service in a statement, is infoming all newly posted teachers and all teachers in the service who are yet to be confirmed that, there is no service charge for confirmation  and therefore they shouldn’t pay for it.

The management has also sent warning to Municipal and District Directors to ensure that the service is rendered free to all newly posted teachers who will apply for confirmation.

Read the full release below


“The Ghana Education has received a loaf of messages about whether they, NEWLY POSTED TEACHERS are to pay fee to their directors before they can be confirmed.

The service is by this notice infoming all newly posted teachers and all teachers in the service who are yet to be confirmed that, there is no service charge for this activity and therefore they shouldn’t pay for it.


NEWS IN: 2022 budget statement to be delivered on November 17


On this notice, Municipal and District Directors are to make sure that service is rendered free of charge to those who deem fit. We also ask them to use the appropriate means to access them accordingly”.



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