Colleges of Education Admission 2024/2025 – Check Details And Apply HERE


Colleges of Education Admission 2024/2025

Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants for admission into the four-year Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Degree Programme in the Forty-Six (46) Public Colleges of Education in Ghana for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Colleges of Education Admission 2024/2025 Requirements 

Here is the Admission Requirements for Colleges of Education Admission 2024/2025 for all person who seeks to be admitted into any of the 46 Colleges across the country.

1. For  WASSCE /SSSCE applicants, the general admission requirements into the 4-Year Bachelor of Education
(B.Ed) Programme are as follows:

  • WASSCE Holders: CREDIT PASSES (A1-C6) in six (6) subjects comprising Three (3) Core subjects, including English Language, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies and Three (3) Elective subjects relevant to the course of study.
  • SSSCE Holders: CREDIT PASSES (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising Three (3) Core subjects, including English Language, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies, and Three (3) Elective subjects relevant to the course of study.

Note: Candidates who are yet to write either the 2024 WASSCE or TVET Certificate ll Examinations can also apply as awaiting result applicants.

2. For General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advance Level Applicants. Applicants must:

Have passes in three (3) subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade
D or better), and also have credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics, and a Science subject or a Social Science subject.

3. For Advanced Business Certificate Examination (ABCE) Applicants. An applicants must:

a. Have passes in three (3) subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better).

b.Have credit passes in five (5) subjects, including English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies in the General Business
Certificate Examination (GBCE).

4. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Applicants must:

a. Have TVET Certificate I| Examinations with Lower Credit (C-) or better in six (6) subjects made up of three (3) core subjects which include English, Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies,
and three (3) relevant Elective Subjects.

b. Possess Certificate Il in three (3) relevant trade areas awarded by Technical Examinations Unit (TEU), National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI), City & Guilds, and other authorised awarding bodies in addition to NABPTEX Certificate Il in lieu of passes in English and Mathematics.

c. Have National Board for Professional and Technicians Examinations (NABPTEX) certificate Il in relevant trade areas in addition to three
(3) credit passes in WASSCE/SSSCE core subjects, including English and Mathematics.

d. Possess a National Certificate Il qualification in Competency Based Training (CBT) in a relevant trade area awarded by TEU) on the National TVET Qualification Framework (NTVETOQF).

e. Foreign Qualifications
All foreign qualifications should be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for the determination of equivalences and eligibility for
admission into Teacher Education Institutions in Ghana.

Note: The American SAT, TOEFL, etc. cannot in themselves be acceptable as entry qualifications into Ghanaian tertiary educational institutions.

Bachelor of Education Programmes for Colleges of Education Admission 2024/2025

The Bachelor of Education Programmes currently offered in the Colleges of Education are the following;

1. 4-year Bachelor of Education in Early Grade Education

2. 4- year Bachelor of Education in Prinmary Education

3. 4-year Bachelor of Education in Junior High School (JHS) Education

Note: The JHS option provides applicants with the opportunity to specialize in a particular subject area to enable them teach at the JHS level after

The subjects include Science, Agric. Science, Mathematics, ICT, Home Economics, Music, Visual Arts, Social Studies, Geography, History,
English, Ghanaian Language (Asante-Twi, Akuapim-Twi, Dagaare, Dagbani,
Dangme, Ewe, Fante, Ga, Gonja, Gurene, Kasem, Nzema), French, and Arabic

Entry requirements for Special Needs Applicants of Colleges of Education Admission 2024/2025

Applicants should note that visual impaired study facilities are available at:
1. N.J. Ahmadiyya, College of Education, Wa
2. Wesley College of Education, Kumasi
3. Presbyterian College of Education, Akropong


a. Applicants with WASSCE results should have Credit Passes (A1-C6) in two (2) Core subjects including English Language and Social Studies and three (3) credit passes in relevant elective subjects.

b. Applicants with SSSCE results should have credit Passes (A-D) in two (2) Core subjects including English Language and Social Studies and credit
passes in three (3) relevant elective subjects.


Study facilities are available at:

1. Presbyterian College of Education, AKROPONG


a. Applicants with WASSCE results should have Credit passes (A1-C6) in three (3) CORE subjects including English Language, Mathematics,
envelope obtainable from Ghana Post nationwide.


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