CAGD: Third Party Reference System (TPRS) Upgrade To Help Protect Teachers From Fraudulent Deductions- Check all details here and do the needful

As a way of preventing fraudulent  deductions from teachers salaries by either teacher unions, inssurance companies or credit unions, the Controller and Accountant General’s Department has technically advanced its third party deductions called Third Party Reference System (TPRS).

TPI: TPI stands for Third Party Institution. These are organizations that have been verified and registered by CAGD to do business with Employees on government payroll. Their business is facilitated by the TPRS System.


TPRS is a system that allows Third Party Institutions to deduct from source; Loan repayments, Insurance Premiums, Welfare Contributions, Credit Union Dues and Hire Purchase Repayment from the GoG Employee’s Salary. TPRS prevents fraudulent deductions from employees’ salaries.


The Third Party Reference System (TPRS) has the following advantages as far as teachers’ salaries are concerned.

1. Addresses issues relating to wrongful deductions by TPI’s.

2. Helps reduce delay in processing transactions.

3. Helps eliminate pay slip fraud and impersonation.

4. Replaces manual processing of transactions.

5. Colleague teachers who steal the pay slips of others to take loans cannot do so under this system.

6. The welfare which has been made compulsory at the District and Regional level cannot be allowed on this electronic platform.

7. Newly trained teachers will not have their salaries deducted for any association until they give that association the legal authority for such deductions to be effected.

8.  No insurance company,Hire Purchase Company, Non-Bank Institutions, Credit Unions and the others can have their deductions on the  pay slip of any teacher without the permission of the teacher involved.

How to register on a TPRS system

Please visit the TPRS website and register for epayslip services. Go to the TPRS login page after registering and key in your login information to access your epayslip. Keep your TPRS login details private and confidential because someone can use the information to access the epayslip TPRS download services.

Accessibility of facilities on GOG TPRS is easy. You do not need a guarantor’s signature. Instead, upload your pictures on the Government of Ghana (GOG) epayslip platform to access the TPI’s facilities.

TPRS’s new features include automatic generation of the Mandate Pin and Mandate Number. The system sends these numbers to your phone whenever you carry out a transaction with a TPI. You cannot make a transaction on a TPI without these numbers.


1. Employee logs onto the E-payslip portal and check to confirm uploaded passport picture

2. Confirm affordability and proceed with transaction with TPI

3. Generate a Mandate Number after which a corresponding “Mandate PIN” (One Time Pin Code) will be sent to your registered phone number.

4. Proceed to Third Party Institution with a valid National ID and passport picture to complete all necessary documentations.

NOTE: The mandate PIN will be auto generated. Take note that without providing the PIN, no TPI can process a transaction on an employee. Hence sharing the Mandate PIN code with the TPI agent indicates your consent to proceed with booking the transaction.

The employee will no longer submit a manual Loan & Advance form and Authority Note to Head of Management Unit to sign.


1. Keep passwords safe and do not at any time give out your pay slip credentials.

2. Avoid impersonation and fraud with regards to providing wrong details to Third Party Institutions in the hope of fraudulently securing loan facilities.

3. Avoid providing fraudulent information.

4. Check your payslip regularly and report any unauthorized transaction to any CAGD office

NOTE: CAGD is not liable for any financial loss arising from giving out your pay slip credentials to third parties.


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