GES Promotion Exams Class To Guarantee Your Success || Join Now

Best GES Promotion Exams Class To Guarantee Your Success

The Best Promotion Classes that can guarantee your success “Promotion Capsules Classes”  is here with you now. Henceforth all teachers who are due and have registered to write this years GES Promotion Exams should register with Promotion Capsules Classes now.

Capsule promotion classes, in addition to WhatsApp platforms, has a telegram platform that uses bot to set trial and mock questions in an examination conditions with timers on each question.

Capsule online promotion class organizers have in stock a recommended GES Promotion Guide Book for Aptitude Tests and Interviews.

The major thematic areas captured in the book include:
•The History of Education
•Educational Policy and School Reforms
•Classroom Management
•Educational Leadership
•Management and Administration •Theories of Learning
•Curriculum, Assessment and Evaluation
•Knowledge of GES and MOE
•Sample Past Questions
•Suggested Answers…


Capsule online promotion class which has been in existence since the year 2017 boasts of arguably, the best in getting results. Every year, the results of their students do not disappoint as statistics of the result analysis reveals. The results of the immediate past Ghana Education Service Promotion Aptitude Test showed that Capsule promotion students obtained over 88% pass.


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However, many of the failures could even be avoided due to since most of the failures are due to the selection of wrong grades during the registration at the Cafe’, inability to write the exams due to ill-health and travels, inability to receive index numbers, and inability to fully participate in the class towards the exams, review of post-exam interviews revealed. It is because of these reasons, the fee charged is a one-time fee to give the opportunity to anyone who has to re-take the exam.

Capsule classes which are organized in grades have classes for candidates applying to Principal Superintendent (PS), Assistant Director II (ADII), Assistant Director I (ADI) and Deputy Director (DD). The classes which are effectively and efficiently managed by seasoned Educationist and Professional Online Teachers charge a one-time fee of only Fifty Ghana Cedis (Ghc50.00) for all Grades/Ranks with a promise to deliver results.

To be part of this Best G.E.S Promotion Class at the right cost, join the respective group on WhatsApp and let us start preparing for success.

Capsule promotion classes are organized in grades or ranks of staff.

Click here to join Capsule’s PS free class

Click here to join Capsule’s ADII free class

Click here to join Capsule’s ADI free class

Click here to join Capsule’s DD free class

Click here to contact agents/distributors of Capsule’s Promotion Guide Book in your District/Region


The organizers of the Capsule online promotion class also author a nationally recommended G.E.S promotion guidebook called PROMOTION CAPSULE. The book which is widely used by other organizers of promotion classes costs only Fifty Ghana Cedis (Ghc50.00) as well. The book can be accessed in any part of Ghana easily with agents across Regions and Districts.

Do your best to be part of this all-important G.E.S Promotion Class online.