2022 GES Teacher Confirmation. All You Need To Know

The Ghana Education Service (GES) is receiving applications from suitable qualified staff of the service particularly teachers at the basic level for consideration for Confirmation.

Newly posted teachers in the service are required to be officially confirmed as a recognized staff of their District Education Office after teaching for a year.

The confirmation takes place within the classroom of the teacher who applied for it. During confirmation, the teacher is required to prepare a comprehensive lesson notes with teaching aids and is expected to teach before a group of Circuit Supervisors for assessment. Then again, the teacher’s work output is checked as well as his attendance and punctuality to school before he is confirmed or not.

After that, remarks are given to the teacher after everything is done. Normally, the teacher is expected to receive his confirmation letter within the same year or a year after depending on the District.


1. All newly trained teachers who came out in 2021 or earlier should apply.

2. All Pupil Teachers / Graduates ( Non- Professional Teachers) who have up- graded themselves to professional status on or earlier than 2021 should apply.


1. Application Letter

2. Cover Letter from SISO and Headteacher

3. Certificate

4. First Appointment Letter

5. Current Payslip




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